Artist Of The Week - Anchor & Braille

It's been about three years since we've gotten an album from Anchor & Braille, the indie side project of Anberlin's Stephen Christian, but this week, on July 31st, the band's sophomore album will be released. The Quiet Life is a collection of haunting melodies and catchy percussion, certainly a maturation of sound since 2009's Felt. The Quiet Life is available now in stores and online through Tooth & Nail Records.


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Discover the newest novel written by Showbread’s own vocalist Joshua Dies available now at joshdies.comThe Joke That We Play on the World chronicles the humble beginnings of the band and takes the reader through the tough times, the heartfelt, the hilarious and the just plain bizarre. The journey spans 12 years and more than hundreds of thousands of traveled miles bringing you to the brink of disgust but ultimately takes you by the hand to lead you into further knowledge of this prolific and eclectic act made up of some of the most interesting people you’ll discover in modern literature. You can’t make this stuff up.

Dies’ writing has always been able to pull readers in and make them feel like they were a part of the story, a part of the shenanigans, no matter how badly we might not want to be. Dies has a genuine heart for his gift and an equally passionate knowledge for why he’s spent the last 12 plus years of his life in such an unusual way.

An exclusive excerpt from The Joke That We Play on the World can be read at The book can be purchased at

About the Author

Ali Bajwa
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